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API Reference

The core of react-formatted-input-hook is the useFormattedInput hook. It is the low level hook that handles all interactions with the input and offers a simpler interface for formatters to use. You should only use this API to build a custom formatter.


The hook receives a FormattedInputOptions as only parameter, this is what all formatters return.


Type: string
Default: ''

The un-formatted value that is used in the virtual input.


Type: (value: string, formattedValue) => void
Default: undefined

Called when the value changes base on liveUpdate.

  • value is the un-formatted value of the virtual input
  • formattedValue is the formatted value shown in the input


Type: boolean
Default: false

When false (default value), the onChange callback is only called on blur for improved performance. If yo need the onChange callback to be called each time the user types a character, pass true.


Type: (value: string) => string
Default: (value) => value

This callback is called when the user blurs the input, and lets you update the un-formatted value if necessary.

Mostly used to clean up the value: remove unnecessary leading zeros, remove trailing decimal separator...


Type: (params) => void
Default: undefined

By default, all keys are ignored, it is up to the formatter to know what to do with each key press.

To decide what to do with a key press, you can use:

  • params.char which is the character being typed
  • params.value which is the current value
  • params.caret which is the position of the caret: { left: number; right: number }

You then have 3 ways of updating the value based on the key:

  • params.setCaret which is the same as setCaret
  • params.insert which is the same as insert
  • params.setValue which is the same as setValue


Type: (value: string) => { formatted: string; mapping: number[] }
Default: undefined

This function is called to format the value. It returns both the formatted string, and a mapping to transform caret positions in the un-formatted string to the formatted one.

Mapping is an array of numbers the size of 1 + the length of the un-formatted string. Its gives the index of each character in the formatted string. Let's consider the value "1234" that should be formatted as "$1,234":

Index mapping

The length of the mapping should be 1 + "1234".length which is 5. Here the mapping would be [1, 1, 3, 4, 5] (notice that we repeated the first value to have a length of 5).

The first value of the mapping is simply the same as the position of the first character (ie. here the first character "1" is mapped to index 1). It is needed because the un-formatted value could be empty, but we would sill need to know to pace the cursor after the dollar sign.

For en empty string, the mapping is therefor an array of length 1, with the index of the first character if it existed. In our example it would be [1].

Returned value

It returns a FormattedInput, which is a simple object with a few properties.

const formattedInput = useFormattedInput({ /*...*/ })


Type: Record<string, any>

Should be spread on the input you which to handle:

<input {...formattedInput.props} />


Type: (start: number, end?: number) => void

Used to programmatically set the caret or selection.

Passing only one value will set the caret to that position:


Passing two values will select all characters in between:

formattedInput.setCaret(2, 5)


Type: (text: string) => void

Used to insert un-formatted text at caret. Caret will automatically be moved to the end on the inserted text, just like it would when typing or pasting a value.


No check is done on the inserted value. If you wish to constrain it, make sure to do it before calling insert.


Type: (value: string, caretStart: number, caretEnd?: number) => void

Used to completely replace the current value with an un-formatted text. It also lets you define the new caret position after the operation.


No check is done on the new value. If you wish to constrain it, make sure to do it before calling setValue.